Admin Class extends React.Component. To implement a CRUD interface similar to Django Admin you need to extend the Admin class.
Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public |
[key]: * |
public |
actions: {"delete": *} |
public |
bind_exclude: * |
public |
extra_fields: {} |
public |
field_transforms: {} |
public |
public |
public |
list_display: *[] |
public |
list_display_links: *[] |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
queryset: *[] |
public |
sort_fields: *[] |
public |
state: {"display_type": *, "page_number": number, "object": *, "selected_objects": *, "total": number, "filter_options": *, "filter_values": *} Initialize the state of the component |
Private Members | ||
private |
private |
_change_uuid: * |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
action_selected(event: object) An event listener that listens to actions selected. |
public |
display_changed(display_type: string, object: object) An event listener that listens to state changes in the display type i.e. |
public |
display_will_change(display_type: string, object: object) An event listener that listens to state changes in the display type i.e. |
public |
Gets an actions object whose properties are action names and values are action methods. |
public |
Returns an object whose properties are extra field names not corresponding to properties of any object in the queryset and whose values are display functions. |
public |
Returns an object whose properties are field names corresponding to properties of any object in the queryset and whose values are transform functions. |
public |
get_filter_values(): * |
public |
public |
This functions returns a JSON Schema Form for editing the objects in the array returned by get_queryset(). |
public |
Returns an object whose properties are field names corresponding to properties of any object in the queryset and whose values are transform functions. |
public |
get_list_display(): string[] Gets the list/array of properties/field names of the objects in the queryset to be displayed on the list display page. |
public |
Gets the list/array of properties of the objects in the queryset that are clickable when displayed on the list display page. |
public |
Returns the number of items to be listed in a page. |
public |
Returns a true/false value. |
public |
get_queryset(page_number: number, list_per_page: number, queryset: object[]): object[] This function returns an array of objects that will serve as the queryset for the admin interface. |
public |
Grants permission to add an object. |
public |
has_change_permission(object: undefined): boolean Grants permission to change an object. |
public |
has_delete_permission(object: object): boolean Grants permission to delete object. |
public |
Grants permission to the this admin interface. |
public |
Changes the state property "loading" to false. |
public |
nextPage() An event listener that listens when the next page is selected. |
public |
prevPage() An event listener that listens when the previous page is selected. |
public |
render(): * |
public |
public |
public |
render_actions(): * Renders the actions select component |
public |
render_add_button(): * Renders the add object button. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
render_change_modal(): * |
public |
render_change_view(): * |
public |
render_filters(): * |
public |
render_list_page(): * |
public |
render_list_view(): * Renders the admin interface component |
public |
render_pagination(): * Renders the pagination UI |
public |
public |
render_progress(loading: *): * The default progress indicator. |
public |
render_search_field(): * Renders the search component |
public |
render_table(): * Renders the table in the display page. |
public |
This method should be overriden and called after saving an object in the add/change view. |
public |
This method should be overriden and called after saving an object in the add/change view. |
public |
Implements search. |
public |
selectPage(page: number): * An event listener that listens when a page is selected. |
public |
set_filter_options(filter_name: *, options: *) |
public |
set_queryset(queryset: *) |
public |
set_total(total: *) |
public |
public |
Changes the state property "loading" to true. |
public |
sort_by(sort_fields: *): * |
Private Methods | ||
private |
_create_object_link(object: object, label: string): * |
private |
private |
_display_field(object: *, item: *): * |
private |
private |
Returns an ordered queryset. |
private |
_get_prop_label(label: *): * |
private |
_get_table_body(): * Generate the table body for the list display page |
private |
_get_table_header(): * |
private |
_handle_filter_change(values: *) |
private |
_handle_search(event: object) An event listener that listens to the search event. |
private |
_object_link_clicked(object: *): * |
private |
_order_state_arrow(field: string): * This method adds up/down arrows to field headers on the list display page table |
private |
_select_all(event: *) This method is an event handler that listens to when all objects of the queryset displayed within a single display page are selected |
private |
_select_one(object: *): * This method is an event handler that listens when a single objects of the queryset displayed is selected |
private |
_sort_handler(field: *): * |
Public Constructors
public constructor() source
Public Members
public [key]: * source
public actions: {"delete": *} source
public bind_exclude: * source
public extra_fields: {} source
public field_transforms: {} source
public header_transforms: {} source
public is_object_equal: * source
public list_display: *[] source
public list_display_links: *[] source
public queryset: *[] source
public sort_fields: *[] source
public state: {"display_type": *, "page_number": number, "object": *, "selected_objects": *, "total": number, "filter_options": *, "filter_values": *} source
Initialize the state of the component
Private Members
private _change_uuid: * source
Public Methods
public action_selected(event: object) source
An event listener that listens to actions selected.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
event | object | the DOM on-change event |
public display_changed(display_type: string, object: object) source
An event listener that listens to state changes in the display type i.e. from list to add/change. It is fired after state changes are made.
public display_will_change(display_type: string, object: object) source
An event listener that listens to state changes in the display type i.e. from list to add/change . It is fired before state changes are made.
public get_actions(): object source
Gets an actions object whose properties are action names and values are action methods. This can be overridden by the action member variable. The default "delete" method is not implemented.
Each actions object property (e.g. "delete") is passed an array of selected objects. One can then handle those objects. Actions will appear on the list display page within a dropdown. Selecting an action should have the action method applied to all currently selected objects.
actions = { "delete" : (selected_objects)=>{ } }
public get_extra_fields(): object source
Returns an object whose properties are extra field names not corresponding to properties of any object
in the queryset and whose values are display functions. This will create extra fields that are not tied to objects. Extra fields have to be manually included in the list_display
in order to appear in the list display page. The display functions take the current object being rendered in the table row and the field name
return { 'now' : function(object,label)
return moment(new Date()).format('LLL');
public get_field_transforms(): object source
Returns an object whose properties are field names corresponding to properties of any object in the queryset and whose values are transform functions. The example below will transform each "name" property of objects in the queryset to upper case in the list display view.
return { 'name' : function(name,object)
return name.toUpperCase()
public get_filters() source
public get_form(object: object): * source
This functions returns a JSON Schema Form for editing the objects in the array returned by get_queryset(). This method needs to be overridden to so as to return a Form Component for the object. Learn more on JSON schema forms from and JSON Schema from
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | object | The current selected object. |
* | A JSON Schema Form Component. |
public get_header_transforms(): object source
Returns an object whose properties are field names corresponding to properties of any object in the queryset and whose values are transform functions. The example below will transform the header "name" to upper case in the list display view.
return { 'name' : function(name)
return name.toUpperCase()
public get_list_display(): string[] source
Gets the list/array of properties/field names of the objects in the queryset to be displayed on the list display page. It can be overridden by the member variable listdisplay. A property is any string that should exist in the objects within a queryset and works with lodash's .at function. See more at
let object={ name : "any name",{ address : { street : "any"}},emails: [""]}
The properties "name","address.street" and "emails[0]" are all acceptable
public get_list_display_links(): string[] source
Gets the list/array of properties of the objects in the queryset that are clickable
when displayed on the list display page. It can be overridden by the member variable
. A property is any string that should exist as a property in the objects within
a queryset and works with lodash's
The properties "name","address.street" and "emails[0]" are all acceptable by
in the example below
let object={ name : "any name",{ address : { street : "any"}},emails: [""]}
public get_list_per_page(): number source
Returns the number of items to be listed in a page. Can be overridden by list_per_page
public get_live_search(): boolean source
Returns a true/false value. Controls wether search is implement on live input or not. Can be overriden by the live_search member variable. Default is false.
public get_queryset(page_number: number, list_per_page: number, queryset: object[]): object[] source
This function returns an array of objects that will serve as the queryset for the admin interface. Typically involves an HTTP request to a backend.
public has_add_permission(): boolean source
Grants permission to add an object. This method controls rendering of the Add button
public has_change_permission(object: undefined): boolean source
Grants permission to change an object. It disables all links to the add/change page when enabled
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | undefined |
public has_delete_permission(object: object): boolean source
Grants permission to delete object. This method is not implemented and can be handled via implementing actions.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | object |
public hide_progress() source
Changes the state property "loading" to false. This method can be used to hide a progress indicator by inspecting the "loading" property of the state object.
public render_above_change_view() source
public render_above_list_view() source
public render_actions(): * source
Renders the actions select component
* | A component that renders a select input for all actions in the list display page |
public render_add_button(): * source
Renders the add object button. Checks to see if permission is given by has_add_permission
* | An add button component |
public render_below_actions() source
public render_below_add_button() source
public render_below_change_view() source
public render_below_filters() source
public render_below_list_view() source
public render_below_progress() source
public render_below_search_field() source
public render_below_table() source
public render_list_view(): * source
Renders the admin interface component
* | A component that renders the admin interface |
public render_pagination(): * source
Renders the pagination UI
* | A component that renders the pagination controls |
public render_progress(loading: *): * source
The default progress indicator. Can be overriden.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
loading | * |
* | A progress indicator component |
public render_table(): * source
Renders the table in the display page. This calls _get_table_header and _get_table_body
* | An a table displaying the state queryset set objects |
public response_add(): boolean source
This method should be overriden and called after saving an object in the add/change view. This method is not called at all here but provides hints on what to do after saving an object. Change the state display_type to "list", object to "null" and refresh the quer yset.
public response_change(): boolean source
This method should be overriden and called after saving an object in the add/change view. This method is not called at all here but provides hints on what to do after saving an object. Change the state display_type to "list", object to "null" and refresh the quer yset.
public search(term: string, queryset: object[]): object[] source
Implements search. This method should be overridden to implement a custom search
public selectPage(page: number): * source
An event listener that listens when a page is selected.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
page | number | the page number selected |
* |
public set_filter_options(filter_name: *, options: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
filter_name | * | ||
options | * |
public set_queryset(queryset: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
queryset | * |
public set_total(total: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
total | * |
public show_list_view() source
public show_progress() source
Changes the state property "loading" to true. The state property can be used to show a progress indicator.
public sort_by(sort_fields: *): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
sort_fields | * |
* |
Private Methods
private _create_object_link(object: object, label: string): * source
A private method to wrap a table entry in an tag in the display page. The method checks if permission is given to display links using the has_change_permission method
* |
private _display_changed() source
private _display_field(object: *, item: *): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | * | ||
item | * |
* |
private _display_will_change() source
private _get_ordered_queryset(): object[] source
Returns an ordered queryset. The method checks to see if sorting is active and sorts the current queryset based on the sort order.
private _get_table_body(): * source
Generate the table body for the list display page
* | An array of table rows <tr/> |
private _handle_filter_change(values: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
values | * |
private _handle_search(event: object) source
An event listener that listens to the search event. This method calls search method which implements a custom search. The method uses the "live_search" property to implement live search or not.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
event | object | The search onChange event |
private _object_link_clicked(object: *): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | * |
* |
private _order_state_arrow(field: string): * source
This method adds up/down arrows to field headers on the list display page table
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
field | string | the field/property name |
* |
private _select_all(event: *) source
This method is an event handler that listens to when all objects of the queryset displayed within a single display page are selected
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
event | * |
private _select_one(object: *): * source
This method is an event handler that listens when a single objects of the queryset displayed is selected
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
object | * |
* |